FitBenchmarking Output

FitBenchmarking produces tables and reports called support pages as outputs. The links below give descriptions of these outputs.


Display modes

The tables for accuracy, runtime, emissions, and compare have three display modes:

{ 'abs': 'Absolute values are displayed in the table.',
  'both': 'Absolute and relative values are displayed in the table '
          'in the format ``abs (rel)``',
  'rel': 'Relative values are displayed in the table.'}

This can be set in the option file using the Comparison Mode option.

The Local Minimizer Table table is formatted differently, and doesn’t use this convention.

Performance profile

Below the table there is a Performance Profile.

Support Pages

In each of the tables, a fitting_report for an individual result can be accessed by clicking on the associated table cell. Clicking the problem name at the start of a row will open a Problem Summary Page for the problem as a whole.