Running FitBenchmarking

Once installed, issuing the command


will run the NIST average difficulty problem set on SciPy minmizers.

Running alternative problems

Other problems written in a supported file format can be analyzed with FitBenchmarking by passing the path using the -p or --problem-sets argument. Example problems can be downloaded from Benchmark problems, and they can also be found in the fitbenchmarking/examples directory of the code.

For example, to run the NIST low difficulty set from the base directory of the source, type into the terminal:

fitbenchmarking -p examples/benchmark_problems/NIST/low_difficulty

Changing the options

An options file can also be passed with the -o or --options-file argument. For example, the template file can be run by issuing the command

fitbenchmarking -o examples/options_template.ini \
-p examples/benchmark_problems/NIST/low_difficulty

Details about how the options file must be formatted are given in FitBenchmarking Options.

Changing options via the command line

It is possible to change the following options via the command line rather than from an .ini file or from the default options. They can be changed using the arguments in the table below.


For example, to change the results directory:

The default directory where the results are saved can be changed using the -r or --results-dir argument. The results directory option can also be changed in the options file.

fitbenchmarking -r new_results/

The default results directory is fitbenchmarking_results.

Multiple options

For an option for which you wish to make several choices e.g. table_type, simply use a space to separate your choices:

fitbenchmarking -t acc runtime

If you wish to change several different options, use a space to separate the arguments:

fitbenchmarking -t acc -l WARNING


For more information on changing options via the command line, you can use the -h or --help argument.

fitbenchmarking -h