Runtime Options

The runtime section explains the metrics available for benchmarking the runtime performance.

1) Mean

This is the default option for benchmarking runtime. If no argument is passed to the -rt flag from the cli, then the average runtime of n iterations would be represented on the frontend. It can however also be set explicitly by passing mean argument to the -rt flag from the cli

\[\overline{r} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i = \frac{{x_1}+{x_2}....+{x_n}}{n} \label{1} \tag{1}\]

2) Minimum

This option can be selected by passing minimum argument to the -rt flag from the cli. This will choose the lowest runtime of n iterations to be represented on the frontend.

\[runtime = \min[{x_1},....,{x_n}]\]

3) Maximum

This option can be selected by passing maximum argument to the -rt flag from the cli. This will choose the highest runtime of n iterations to be represented on the frontend.

\[runtime = \max[{x_1},....,{x_n}]\]

4) First

This option can be selected by passing first argument to the -rt flag from the cli. This will choose the first runtime of n iterations to be represented on the frontend.

\[runtime = {x_1}\]

5) Median

This option can be selected by passing median argument to the -rt flag from the cli. This will calculate the median runtime of n iterations.

\[\begin{split}runtime = \begin{cases} {x_\frac{n+1}{2}} &\text{if n is odd} \\ \frac {{x_\frac{n}{2}}+{x_\frac{n+2}{2}}}{2} &\text{if n is even} \\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(runtimes = [{x_1} \leq {x_2} \leq ... \leq {x_n}]\) .

6) Harmonic

This option can be selected by passing harmonic argument to the -rt flag from the cli. This will calculate the harmonic mean of n iterations and display it on the frontend.

\[runtime = \frac{n}{ \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{x_i}} = \frac{n}{\frac{1}{x_1}+\frac{1}{x_2}+ ... + \frac{1}{x_n}} \quad \Big\vert \quad 0 \notin [{x_1}, {x_2}, ... ,{x_n}]\]


Mathematically none of the values should be zero as taking an inverse is an intermediary step when calculating the harmonic mean. However, the harmonic_mean funtion from the statistics library will handle the zero values in the input without throwing a ZeroDivisionError.

7) Trim mean

This option can be selected by passing trim argument to the -rt flag from the cli. This will calculate the trimmed mean of n iterations and display it on the frontend. The trimmed mean is calculated using the following steps.

  1. Order the runtime results \([{x_1} \leq {x_2} \leq ... \leq {x_n}]\)

  2. Remove 20% of the lowest and highest runtimes.

  3. Calculate the arithmetic mean of remaining runtimes using Equation \(\ref{1}\) .