fitbenchmarking.cost_func.weighted_nlls_cost_func module

Implements the weighted non-linear least squares cost function

class fitbenchmarking.cost_func.weighted_nlls_cost_func.WeightedNLLSCostFunc(problem)

Bases: fitbenchmarking.cost_func.nlls_base_cost_func.BaseNLLSCostFunc

This defines the weighted non-linear least squares cost function where, given a set of \(n\) data points \((x_i,y_i)\), associated errors \(e_i\), and a model function \(f(x,p)\), we find the optimal parameters in the root least-squares sense by solving:

\[\min_p \sum_{i=1}^n \left(\frac{y_i - f(x_i, p)}{e_i}\right)^2\]

where \(p\) is a vector of length \(m\), and we start from a given initial guess for the optimal parameters. More information on non-linear least squares cost functions can be found here.

eval_r(params, **kwargs)

Calculate the residuals, \(\frac{y_i - f(x_i, p)}{e_i}\)


params (list) – The parameters, \(p\), to calculate residuals for


The residuals for the data points at the given parameters

Return type

numpy array

hes_res(params, **kwargs)

Uses the Hessian of the model to evaluate the Hessian of the cost function residual, \(\nabla_p^2 r(x,y,p)\), at the given parameters.


params (list) – The parameters at which to calculate Hessians


evaluated Hessian and Jacobian of the residual at each x, y pair

Return type

tuple (list of 2D numpy arrays, list of 1D numpy arrays)

jac_res(params, **kwargs)

Uses the Jacobian of the model to evaluate the Jacobian of the cost function residual, \(\nabla_p r(x,y,p)\), at the given parameters.


params (list) – The parameters at which to calculate Jacobians


evaluated Jacobian of the residual at each x, y pair

Return type

a list of 1D numpy arrays