HOGBEN File Format

The HOGBEN file format is based on Native File Format, this page is intended to demonstrate where the format differs.

Examples of HOGBEN problems are:

# FitBenchmark Problem
software = 'HOGBEN'
name = 'simple_sample'
description = '2-layer simple sample'
input_file = 'simple_sample.txt'
function = 'function=simple_sample_model.pkl'
plot_scale = 'logY'
# FitBenchmark Problem
software = 'HOGBEN'
name = 'thin_layer_sample_1'
description = '2-layer sample with thin layers'
input_file = 'thin_layer_sample_1.txt'
function = 'function=thin_layer_sample_1_model.pkl'
plot_scale = 'logY'
# FitBenchmark Problem
software = 'HOGBEN'
name = 'similar_sld_sample_1'
description = '2-layer sample with layers of similar SLD'
input_file = 'similar_sld_sample_1.txt'
function = 'function=similar_sld_sample_1_model.pkl'
plot_scale = 'logY'

As in the native format, an input file must start with a comment indicating that it is a FitBenchmarking problem followed by a number of key value pairs. Available keys can be seen in Native File Format and below:

software, name, description

As described in the native format.


The function is defined by a refnx model, which should be provided in the pickle data format (as described [here](https://refnx.readthedocs.io/en/v0.1.41/faq.html#can-i-save-models-objectives-to-file)). Starting values for the varying model parameters are defined within the model object.