fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions module

This file holds all FitBenchmarking exceptions, organised by exception id

exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.CheckpointError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates an error occured during checkpointing.

class_message = 'An error occured during handling the checkpoint file.'
error_code = 28
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.ControllerAttributeError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates an issue with the attributes within a controller

class_message = 'Error in the controller attributes.'
error_code = 7
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.CostFuncError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a problem with the cost function class.

class_message = 'FitBenchmarking ran with no results'
error_code = 16
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.FilePathError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates the filepath is invalid.

class_message = 'The filepath is invalid.'
error_code = 25
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.FitBenchmarkException(message='')

Bases: Exception

The base class for all FitBenchmarking exceptions

To define a new exception, inherrit from this and override the _class_message

class_message = 'An unknown exception occurred.'
error_code = 1
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.FittingProblemError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a problem with the fitting problem.

class_message = 'Fitting Problem raised and exception.'
error_code = 10
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleCostFunctionError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that the cost function is not compatible with the given problem.

class_message = 'The selected cost function cannot be used with the given problem'
error_code = 29
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleHessianError(message='')

Bases: ValidationException

Indicates that the selected Hessian method is not compatible with selected options/problem set

class_message = 'The provided Hessian method cannot be used with the selected options or problem set.'
error_code = 26
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleJacobianError(message='')

Bases: ValidationException

Indicates that the selected jacobian method is not compatible with selected options/problem set

class_message = 'The provided Jacobian method cannot be used with the selected options or problem set.'
error_code = 24
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleMinimizerError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that the selected minimizer is not compatible with selected options/problem set

class_message = 'Minimizer cannot be used with selected options/problem set'
error_code = 17
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleProblemError(message='')

Bases: ValidationException

Indicates that the selected problem is not compatible with the selected options.

class_message = 'The selected software can not be used with the given problem.'
error_code = 27
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncompatibleTableError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that selected cost function and table are not compatible

class_message = 'The table type selected is not compatible with the selected cost function'
error_code = 18
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.IncorrectBoundsError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that parameter_ranges have been set incorrectly

class_message = 'Bounds for this problem are unable to be set, so this problem will be skipped.'
error_code = 19
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.MaxRuntimeError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a minimizer has taken too long to run

class_message = 'Minimizer runtime exceeded maximum runtime'
error_code = 23
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.MissingBoundsError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that parameter_ranges have not been set but are required

class_message = 'Bounds on all parameters are required to use this software.'
error_code = 20
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.MissingSoftwareError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that the requirements for a software package are not available.

class_message = 'Missing dependencies for fit.'
error_code = 5
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoAnalyticJacobian(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates when no Jacobian data files can be found

class_message = 'Could not find Jacobian data files'
error_code = 12
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoControllerError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a controller could not be found

class_message = 'Could not find controller.'
error_code = 6
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoDataError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that no data could be found.

class_message = 'No data found.'
error_code = 8
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoHessianError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicated a problem with Hessian import

class_message = 'Could not find Hessian class'
error_code = 22
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoJacobianError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a problem with the Jacobian import.

class_message = 'Could not find Jacobian class'
error_code = 11
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoParserError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a parser could not be found.

class_message = 'Could not find parser.'
error_code = 4
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoResultsError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a problem with the fitting problem.

class_message = 'FitBenchmarking ran with no results'
error_code = 14
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.NoSparseJacobianError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that no sparse_jacobian function was found by the parser.

class_message = 'Sparse_jacobian function not found. '
error_code = 30
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.OptionsError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates an error during processing options.

class_message = 'Failed to process options.'
error_code = 2
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.ParsingError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates an error during parsing.

class_message = 'Could not parse problem.'
error_code = 3
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.PlottingError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates an error during plotting results

class_message = 'An error occurred during plotting.'
error_code = 21
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.SparseJacobianIsDenseError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that the sparse_jacobian function submitted by the user returned a result that is not in sparse format.

class_message = 'The result of sparse_jacobian is not in sparse format so it cannot be used as a sparsity pattern.'
error_code = 31
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.UnknownMinimizerError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that the controller does not support a given minimizer given the current “algorithm_type” option set.

class_message = "Minimizer cannot be run with Controller with current 'algorithm_type' option set."
error_code = 9
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.UnknownTableError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates a problem with the fitting problem.

class_message = 'Set table option could not be found'
error_code = 13
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.UnsupportedMinimizerError(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

Indicates that the controller does not support a given minimizer.

class_message = 'FitBenchmarking ran with no results'
error_code = 15
exception fitbenchmarking.utils.exceptions.ValidationException(message='')

Bases: FitBenchmarkException

This should be subclassed to indicate any validation errors that preclude a combination from running.

class_message = 'An error occured while verifying controller.'